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Madina Shamsuyeva

Madina Shamsuyeva is currently a research associate at the Application Center HOFZET of the Fraunhofer Institute for Woods research. Her current research topics include surface treatment of fibers, fiber analytics and development of biobased hybrid composites. She holds a MSc with major in Chemistry Education from the Middle East Technical University METU in Turkey and a MSc with major in Chemistry from the University of Siegen.  Her research experience consists management of various international projects and research activities in the field biocomposites as well as practical involvement in multiple industry projects on development of new application-specific high-performance fiber-reinforced polymer composites, e.g. at Bayer MaterialScience, Devisions Carbon Nanotubes Baytubes und New Applications.

Currently she is pursuing her PhD at the Technical University Braunschweig in the field of surface modification of cellulose fibers.

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